We have partnered with various brands and member companies in our vicinity to ensure that all the services and products our members need are available at the click of a button.
As an Antares Offices member, you get access to exclusive deals and discounts from a wide range of services and products created specially for you. Here are some of our membership perks.
For more details on how you can claim these benefits, please reach out to our team or drop us an email.
Partner with Us!
Looking to reach an engaged audience and brand commitment? Antares Offices has over 350 members who value quality experiences and enjoy the lifestyle. We collaborate with some of Bangkok’s best brands for product launches or create an exclusive discount of offer to our members to try your products or services.
Contact us today to share your partnership ideas and explore new collaboration!
Antares Serviced Offices is a boutique serviced offices company in central Bangkok. We cater to local and international businesses wanting a premium working location and professional services. Found in the exclusive Phrom Pong area, next to the EM Quartier, we offer 350 workstations with European style interiors and panoramic views of downtown Bangkok.